So yesterday the BBC announced who will be replacing David Tennant as the Doctor in Doctor Who when his "reign" (so to speak) is over near the end of 2009.
All sorts of names were banded about, as you'd expect, and none of them stood out to me, one in particular left me stating that if they chose him (Hugh Grant), I would refuse to watch the show ever again (as I assume many right thinking people would) as I cannot stand the pompous git. However, the producers of the show have gone for a guy who is set to become the youngest ever Doctor on the show, a guy called Matt Smith, whom I have no opinion on whatsoever as I've not seen anything (to my knowledge) with him in.
However, from the short interview he gave on Doctor Who Confidential last night, he seems to know what is expected of him and the producers and writers seem to be looking forward to working with him, so thats a very positive point. He also seemed incredibly enthusiastic about the role, which is also a good sign.
Heres his Wikipedia page if you're interested in having a look at what he's done.
Unsuprisingly, some have stated their opinion that he's going to ruin the show etc etc, and I can't really comment on that for reasons I've stated above, where as if it had of been Grant (which the bookies were classing as an outside bet) we'd of known that the Doctor would of been a bumbling, yet some how arrogant, twit with an accent that has become the stereotype British accent, even though its far more forced than that of the Royal family.
So good luck to Matt Smith as the new Doctor, good luck to Steven Moffat as the new head writer of the show and I look forward to seeing what will be done in 2010. In the mean time, I can't wait for Tennants final four episodes that are to be dotted throughout the year, he's been an excellent watch during his time as the Doctor!